應用處理器技術交流論壇 II




102年11月15日 星期五 




國立交通大學(光復校區)  浩然圖書館一樓 國際會議廳A廳



活動主辦人: 國立中正大學資訊工程系 陳鵬升教授

高階應用處理器AP聯盟中心-召集人: 國立交通大學資訊工程系 陳添福教授

高階應用處理器AP聯盟中心-執行秘書: 國立交通大學資訊工程系 范倫達教授


活動議程 (中文座談)





報     到



聯盟中心召集人: 國立交通大學資訊工程系 陳添福教授



   題:A Shining old Technology - An Overview of Ethernet Switch & Switch IC Design



主持人:交通大學電子系 賴伯承教授



   題:Tree-Searching Based MIMO Detectors: Algorithms and VLSI Architectures

主講人:國立台灣科技大學 電子系 沈中安教授

主持人:交通大學電子系 賴伯承教授


Coffee Break / 討論與交流



    題:The Industry and Technology Trends in Next 5-year

主講人:呂鴻祥 總經理, President ARM Taiwan

            安謀國際科技股份有限公司 (ARM Taiwan)

主持人:中正大學資工系 陳鵬升教授



    題:IoT (Internet of Things) Market Trends

主講人:陳洛 總監, Director Client Computing

            安謀國際科技股份有限公司 (ARM Taiwan)

主持人:中正大學資工系 陳鵬升教授


Lunch Time / 討論與交流



    題:Smart Devices Market Trends

主講人:林修平經理, Segment Marketing Manager

            安謀國際科技股份有限公司 (ARM Taiwan)

主持人:中正大學資工系 陳鵬升教授


Coffee Break / 討論與交流



    題:ARM CPU Roadmap, big.LITTLE & v8 Updates

主講人:陳家隆 經理, FAE Manager

            安謀國際科技股份有限公司 (ARM Taiwan)

主持人:交通大學資工系 吳凱強教授



    題:GPU Trends for Application Processor

主講人:蔡武男經理, Regional Marketing Manager

            安謀國際科技股份有限公司 (ARM Taiwan)

主持人:交通大學資工系 吳凱強教授


討論與交流 / 賦歸




講題摘要 & 主講人介紹 



  題:A Shining old Technology - An Overview of Ethernet Switch & Switch IC Design

  要:Ethernet celebrated its 40 years old birthday and Ethernet switch is entering the 25th year in 2013. While many other technologies came and faded, what makes Ethernet and Ethernet switch shine and grow today? In this presentation, we will have an overview of Ethernet technology and Ethernet switch. From the market segment to switch hardware architecture to ASICs inside a switch. The consideration to design an Ethernet switch IC, the tradeoff, the complexity, and the possible challenges. In the end, we will explore future opportunities and the hottest topics in today’s network world.

主講人:劉大行 技術副處長


  歷:Ta Hsing Liu (劉大行) is a deputy technical director at MediaTek USA data center networking group and in charge of Ethernet switch system architecture and ASIC architecture for traffic engineering and management. Prior to MediaTek, Ta Hsing spent 16 years at Cisco Systems, San Jose CA, USA, where he was a senior manager and a senior member of next generation switch architecture team. His work at Cisco includes system and ASIC architecture and design in MAC ASIC, buffer ASIC, virtual output queue ASIC, crossbar fabric ASIC, various  intelligent properties and research programs for enterprise Ethernet switches (Catalyst 5000, 6000, 6500 series), data center Ethernet switches (Nexus 3000, 7000 series), storage area network switches (MDS 9000 series) and carrier Ethernet aggregation routers (ASR 9000 series). He was the funding member of Cisco Catalyst 6000 switches, Nexus 7000 switches and ASR 9000 router. Latest, he served as the chief ASIC architect to lead a senior technical team on Cisco’s next generation low latency switch systems. Prior to Cisco, he was an IC design engineer at Fujitsu, where he worked on Ethernet switch chipset design. Ta Hsing received his master degree in electrical engineering from State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook NY, USA and BSEE from Feng Chia University, Taiwan.





  題:Tree-Searching Based MIMO Detectors: Algorithms and VLSI Architectures

  要:Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) has been recognized as a promising technology to improve the quality of service and/or to achieve high data rate for wireless communication systems. It has also been adopted as part of a number of industry standards such as WiMAX, LTE, and the next generation WLAN (802.11n, 802.11ac). However, the lucrative features of MIMO communications come along with the costs of significantly increased system complexity. This talk presents efficient designs for the spatial multiplexing MIMO receivers at both the algorithm and VLSI architecture levels. First of all, the design of efficient MIMO detector based on the tree-searching approach will be discussed where algorithms examining a much smaller subset of points in the tree structure and thus improving the timing efficiency will be demonstrated. Novel VLSI architectures that can achieve low energy consumption will then be introduced. The implementation results show that the proposed approach can achieve comparable BER performance with greatly reduced system complexity. Furthermore, this talk introduces an algorithm and VLSI architecture to perform joint detection and decoding for MIMO systems utilizing convolutional codes. The simulation and implementation results will be illustrated showing that compared with conventional structure the proposed scheme can significantly reduce complexity when jointly considering the MIMO detector and channel decoder. Finally, an error-resilient MIMO detection scheme is depicted. This structure is error-resilient in a sense that it can achieve near-optimal performance in the presence of both channel noise and memory errors due to aggressive voltage scaling.

主講人:國立台灣科技大學 電子系 沈中安教授

   歷:Chung-An Shen (沈中安) received the B.Sc. degree from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taipei, Taiwan in 2000, the M.Sc. degree from the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA in 2003, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Irvine in 2012. He joined the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at NTUST (國立台灣科技大學電子系) in 2012, where he is currently an Assistant Professor. His research interests are in low-power digital circuits and signal processing architectures for wireless communication and multimedia systems.

Dr. Shen has been on the technical program committee and review panel for numerous IEEE journals, workshops, and conferences in the area of VLSI, wireless communication, and Video processing systems. Since January 2013, he has been a Handling Editor for the Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers (JCSC). Before joining the NTUST, Dr. Shen also held several industry positions including DSP Engineer at Texas Instruments Asia Branch (2004-2007), Digital Design Interns at Mindspeed Technologies Inc. (2011), and Senior System Engineer at Qualcomm Inc. (2012).





講  題:The Industry and Technology Trends in Next 5-year

  要: In this session, ARM will investigate the Mobile, Home, Enterprise and Embedded industry and technology trend in next five years, and then, toward the corporation between ARM and academics in Taiwan.

主講人:呂鴻祥總經理   President ARM Taiwan

               安謀國際科技股份有限公司 (台灣ARM)






講  題:IoT (Internet of Things) Market Trends

  要:The market is moving from personal compute era to computing everywhere in the coming future. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a scenario in which objects, animals or people are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to automatically transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. IoT has evolved from the convergence of wireless technologies, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and the Internet. With the big data from these connected devices, people could optimize their existing daily life for the better quality and also avoid the mistakes. ARM would like to share our views by hardware, software and service trends from tiny less-one-dollar sensors to enterprise level server and discuss with you what business opportunity is going to happen in the coming future.

主講人:陳洛總監   Director Client Computing

               安謀國際科技股份有限公司 (台灣ARM)

  歷:目前任職ARM市場行銷總監,主要負責全球移動運算Client Computing (Tablet/eReader/PC)及高速運算需求產品市場開發及相關Ecosystem建置。過去十數年間,曾任職國際半導體大廠及台灣IC設計服務公司,並曾在美國矽谷地區從事高科技創投及商業顧問業務。





講  題:Smart Devices Market Trends

  要:Smart devices are becoming the center of our digital life.  With higher performance demands and ever more complex user scenarios, the spec of mobile device SoC evolves from generation to generation.  In this talk, we discuss the marketing trends of smart devices marketing, and then discuss the technology trends of smart devices advancement from CPU, GPU, Connectivity, memory requirement, and eco systems.

主講人:林修平經理 Segment Marketing Manager (Mobile and Home Segments)

               安謀國際科技股份有限公司 (台灣ARM)






講  題:ARM CPU Roadmap, big.LITTLE & v8 Updates

  要:big.LITTLE is an energy saving technology where the highest performance ARM CPUs are combined with the most efficient ARM CPUs in a combined processor subsystem to deliver greater performance at lower power than today's best-in-class systems. ARM Cortex-A50 Series is the latest range of processors based on the ARMv8-A architecture. The series includes support for the AArch64, a new energy efficient 64-bit execution state that operates alongside an enhanced version of ARM’s existing 32-bit execution state. The Cortex-A50 Series comprises the Cortex-A57 and the Cortex-A53 processors. Both the Cortex-A57 and Cortex-A53 processors can operate independently or be combined into an ARM big.LITTLE processing configuration that enables scalable performance and optimal energy-efficiency.

主講人:陳家隆經理   FAE Manager

               安謀國際科技股份有限公司 (台灣ARM)

  歷:目前任職於ARM Taiwan應用工程經理,主要負責ARM CPU以及軟體開發工具技術支援;也是ARM Training CenterATC)認證講師,負責台灣客戶的教育訓練。同時也負責CPUARM開發工具的推廣工作,和台灣客戶以及代理商有緊密的合作關係。





  題:GPU Trends for Application Processor

  要:With smart devices booming unprecedentedly in past three years, people are not contented but expecting even finer image quality, smoother UI interaction, playing desktop class game; furthermore, wish for a more nature and effective way to make job done and better enjoy the life. GPU is playing a critical role to make all above possible, while with some challenge inevitably. This session will talk about the GPU trend we already see and those on the way, the challenge to support such trend, and put some more time on a promising trend in mobile GPU, that is GPU Compute and heterogeneous computing.

主講人:蔡武男經理   Regional Marketing Manager

               安謀國際科技股份有限公司 (台灣ARM)

  歷:目前任職於ARM 多媒體處理器部門,擔任區域行銷經理,負責大中華區ARM Mali GPU推廣;在GPU領域有十數年的開發及團隊專案管理經驗,於OpenGL ES規格定義之初,即活躍於亞太區Khronos活動推廣OpenGL ES硬件加速。







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中山高速公路新竹交流道(94.5K)下,新竹光復路方向第一個紅 綠燈左轉進入大學路,即可抵達本校北大門。


(1) 中山高速公路新竹交流道(94.5K)下,往新竹方向,行駛光復路,左轉大學路,即可抵達本校北大門。



搭乘統聯「 板橋–北二高–新竹」線,即可直達本校。



高鐵搭乘處: 往4號出口後,右轉至5號公車月台搭乘。

交大搭乘處: 中正堂側門。









張怡婷 小姐

Phone: +886-3-5712121 ext.31549

E-mail: eve7620876@gmail.com


票種 販售時間 售價

~ 2013/11/15 16:20(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費